The family investment firm TDJ is starting to implement a new venture capital strategy – in the coming years, it will invest 200 million PLN in mature startups in growth business sectors such as automation, packaging, renewable energy, energy storage, proptech and others which best utilize the synergy effect between other TDJ assets and its team competencies.
TDJ Venture will invest in growth stage companies, looking for mature projects which have an innovative business model, strong teams and which are already generating income. TDJ are interested in companies with sizable business scaling potential. The size of TDJ Venture’s engagement in individual rounds will fit in the region between 10 and 40 mln PLN.
In accordance with this new strategy, in terms of TDJ Venture we want to work with teams we will be able to help and which will be ready for such help. What matters to us is making best use of our competencies and the assets amassed by TDJ Estate, where we are strongly developing the domestic property sector – according to Tomasz Domogała, the owner and head of the TDJ Supervisory Board.
We will still work closely with Pitango VC in Israel, whose team will support us with their knowledge and global network of contacts – Tomasz Domogała adds.
Collaboration between Pitango is in any way multi-level. TDJ is involved as a passive investor (limited partner) in the Israeli Pitango funds.
In terms of the Venture sphere activities, TDJ along with Israeli Pitango VC and the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) is creating the TDJ Pitango Ventures fund. Its portfolio includes firms such as Tylko which is revolutionizing the furniture market and Cosmose AI which predicts customer purchasing behaviors. Each one of these is now worth in excess of 100 million dollars.
TDJ Pitango Ventures has already invested in nine companies. We are very pleased with the pace they are growing at. We want to continue supporting them and take part in future rounds for securing capital. This is why we will not be looking for new investments – according Tomasz Domogała.
TDJ Pitango Ventures has in its portfolio Tylko, Cosmose AI, along with Neptune, Stethome, CallPage, GG Predict, Syntoil, Vocaly and SmartDust.
The Polish venture investment market is growing rapidly. In 2019, funds recapitalized startups to the tune of 1.2 billion PLN, and in 2020 almost doubled their engagement, jointly investing 2.1 billion PLN. According to the most recent of the Polish Development Fund (PFR), this year VC fund involvement in Poland can reach 2.5 billion PLN.